Saturday 22 February 2014

Primark beauties!

So I picked up these Primark shoes about a month ago, but it has been so darn cold I have been too afraid to wear them. But today the sun is shining so I thought I will give them a go.
They are super comfy, and I love that they will literally go with ANYTHING!

For the bargain price of £12 English Pounds I am super pleased with them.

Natasha x

Tuesday 11 February 2014

If only...

So I'm ill....bogged down with the dreaded stomach bug, so instead of completely waste my day I thought I would browse the web and make myself feel better by looking at beautiful clothes.
These particular beauties from River Island caught my eye. I keep looking at the spotty trousers every time I go into my local store but am unsure how they will look on. The simple solution would be to try them on....but I'm always too rushed for that, (I'm either dragging round an excitable child, or a bored boyfriend!) I've wanted some pointed leopard print heels for AGES, these look like they could be winners. I love the print of these dresses, and the fact that they could be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.
Now to just win the lottery.

Nil by mouth

I'm Maxine, I also live by the sea, I'm 26 years old and in a long term and long distance relationship.... Yes my other half is in Canada!!

So to pass the time I shop online, look online, dream about clothes and also struggle with the day to day of losing weight so everything looks that tiny bit better!

Been trying the nil by mouth attitude, doesn't really work, however I have lost 4 pounds doing the slimming world diet, yay to me!! I will keep going.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Let's start at the very beginning....


So today is the day I'm going to write something on this blog...who knows if anyone will read it, but it will be like a diary for myself and my sister. It may even help us to remember all the shenanigans we get up to. Or it could just be a big procrastinating waste of our time!!

Well anyway, I will start with who I am. I'm Natasha. 29 years of age, I have a wonderful 4 year old daughter and I work as a teaching assistant at a tiny village school. I'm also training to be a teacher part time, as if I'm not already busy enough. I live with my gorgeous boyfriend (he didn't pay me to write that!) in a sweet little terraced house right by the sea.

Today has been a typical Sunday....we sat around doing very little then went to the mans parents house for some roast goose. Now I'm watching Arachnophobia and chilling on the sofa.

All in all, a perfect day....

Until next time xxx