Tuesday 18 November 2014

Dirty 30!

My birthday party pics.

It happened. I turned 30. 

I tend to think I am quite a positive person, but the mere mention of turning thirty turned me into a weepy emotional mess. It's quite sad and depressing to admit that I looked around me at the other people in my life, and how well they were doing, and felt like I had really let myself down.

I was a high flyer at school, I went to a grammar school, I never got in any trouble, pretty much a straight A student. It was expected that I would go to University, get a first, then on to a £40k a year job......not the case.

I left Brighton Uni after a couple of weeks.

I got a rather rubbishly paid job as a Teaching Assistant while I decided if teaching was the profession for me. 

I fell pregnant and then got married to a complete idiot. 

I was stuck in my low paid job till my daughter was old enough to go to school and I could afford to go to University to train as a teacher.

I split up with my husband and had to sell my lovely house, go into rented and pay the extortionate rental prices.

So there it is.... my feeling sorry for myself story. I was almost ready for a mid life crisis then I was reminded of the good things.

I SPLIT up with my bastard husband...HURRAH.

I have a wonderful, bright, slightly insane 5 year old.

I have met the most wonderful man who looks after me, loves me, supports me and makes me piss my pants with laughter!!

Although I am still getting paid minimum wage in my TA job, I am back at University one day a week, finally on my journey to be a teacher.

To conclude.....I need to stop moping around and feeling sorry for myself. Just because my life isn't where I thought it would be, I am still in a good place and am on the road to perfection!

Hope I didn't bore anyone to death!

Tasha x

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Sale shoe heaven!

I do love a bargain and these shoes are no exception. As I've got older, and am rapidly reaching the big 3-0, I've found Marks and Spencer's more and more appealing. Their trousers actually hide my muffin top and their shoes are comfortable and last longer than 3 nights out! So when I spotted these beauties reduced to £17 I thought why not?! Then when I got to the till and they rang the beauties up....£13!!! Result!! I will mainly be clashing them with different prints or wearing them with my LBD! 


Natasha x

Monday 23 June 2014


So I picked up this beauts RocknRose crown last Autumn and I finally feel like its summery enough to wear it! 

I picked mine up on eBay for a mere £5, much cheaper than the website, but it's still worth a visit. There is some seriously beautiful headgear on there!  


Monday 2 June 2014

I'm really not a dessert person but....

Ok I have something to confess, I'm really not a fan of desserts or anything sweet. I know, don't shoot me, it's embarrassing really. As a woman it should be my divine right to crave cake and chocolate and want to bake away. But the truth is I would much rather have a packet of crisps than any kind of cake. 

The amount of times I've been out to dinner and Aaron orders a sweet dessert and I order a cheese board, then when it comes out they try and hand him the cheese, like it's not even possible that I could pick cheese over cake! GIVE ME MY CHEESE! 

Anyway I digress, so Aaron wanted to make a dessert, we decided on Banoffee pie, a) because we had never made it before b) we saw the Hairy Bikers make one, and c) bananas are good for you! 

It's surprisingly not bad, not something I could eat a mound of but still reasonably yummy! 


Tasha x

Beautiful Cornwall

The other half and I went on a lovely 4 day child free break to Stonerush Lakes Lodges in South Cornwall.

 All I can say is WOWZERS! The lodge was HUGE and immaculate. It was so peaceful, I can count the number of people we saw on one hand. 

I want to go back 'sob'. Oh well back to essays and work.....

Tasha x

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Wonderful Paris

For the boyfriends birthday we went for a 2 day trip to Paris. We were both Paris virgins and didn't really know what to expect, but were hoping for amazing sights, and gorgeous food.....we weren't disappointed.

We arrived after a short spell on the Eurostar (so quick and easy), both of us slightly anxious as it wasn't till we got past security and passport control that we noticed that my boyfriends passport expired LAST JULY!!! Slight panic, but not a lot we could do as we had arrived!!

We decided it was best to walk around Paris to really get a feel for the wonderful city, and as we were there for such a short time we didn't want to spend the whole time on the Metro.

The walking nearly killed us, but I'm still glad we did it as we really got to explore everything. We defo want to go back and focus on a couple of places, now we know our way around (sort of!).

Au revoir

Natasha xx

Saturday 22 February 2014

Primark beauties!

So I picked up these Primark shoes about a month ago, but it has been so darn cold I have been too afraid to wear them. But today the sun is shining so I thought I will give them a go.
They are super comfy, and I love that they will literally go with ANYTHING!

For the bargain price of £12 English Pounds I am super pleased with them.

Natasha x

Tuesday 11 February 2014

If only...

So I'm ill....bogged down with the dreaded stomach bug, so instead of completely waste my day I thought I would browse the web and make myself feel better by looking at beautiful clothes.
These particular beauties from River Island caught my eye. I keep looking at the spotty trousers every time I go into my local store but am unsure how they will look on. The simple solution would be to try them on....but I'm always too rushed for that, (I'm either dragging round an excitable child, or a bored boyfriend!) I've wanted some pointed leopard print heels for AGES, these look like they could be winners. I love the print of these dresses, and the fact that they could be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.
Now to just win the lottery.

Nil by mouth

I'm Maxine, I also live by the sea, I'm 26 years old and in a long term and long distance relationship.... Yes my other half is in Canada!!

So to pass the time I shop online, look online, dream about clothes and also struggle with the day to day of losing weight so everything looks that tiny bit better!

Been trying the nil by mouth attitude, doesn't really work, however I have lost 4 pounds doing the slimming world diet, yay to me!! I will keep going.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Let's start at the very beginning....


So today is the day I'm going to write something on this blog...who knows if anyone will read it, but it will be like a diary for myself and my sister. It may even help us to remember all the shenanigans we get up to. Or it could just be a big procrastinating waste of our time!!

Well anyway, I will start with who I am. I'm Natasha. 29 years of age, I have a wonderful 4 year old daughter and I work as a teaching assistant at a tiny village school. I'm also training to be a teacher part time, as if I'm not already busy enough. I live with my gorgeous boyfriend (he didn't pay me to write that!) in a sweet little terraced house right by the sea.

Today has been a typical Sunday....we sat around doing very little then went to the mans parents house for some roast goose. Now I'm watching Arachnophobia and chilling on the sofa.

All in all, a perfect day....

Until next time xxx