Monday 23 June 2014


So I picked up this beauts RocknRose crown last Autumn and I finally feel like its summery enough to wear it! 

I picked mine up on eBay for a mere £5, much cheaper than the website, but it's still worth a visit. There is some seriously beautiful headgear on there!

Monday 2 June 2014

I'm really not a dessert person but....

Ok I have something to confess, I'm really not a fan of desserts or anything sweet. I know, don't shoot me, it's embarrassing really. As a woman it should be my divine right to crave cake and chocolate and want to bake away. But the truth is I would much rather have a packet of crisps than any kind of cake. 

The amount of times I've been out to dinner and Aaron orders a sweet dessert and I order a cheese board, then when it comes out they try and hand him the cheese, like it's not even possible that I could pick cheese over cake! GIVE ME MY CHEESE! 

Anyway I digress, so Aaron wanted to make a dessert, we decided on Banoffee pie, a) because we had never made it before b) we saw the Hairy Bikers make one, and c) bananas are good for you! 

It's surprisingly not bad, not something I could eat a mound of but still reasonably yummy! 


Tasha x

Beautiful Cornwall

The other half and I went on a lovely 4 day child free break to Stonerush Lakes Lodges in South Cornwall.

 All I can say is WOWZERS! The lodge was HUGE and immaculate. It was so peaceful, I can count the number of people we saw on one hand. 

I want to go back 'sob'. Oh well back to essays and work.....

Tasha x